Emily Lee
Facebook Review
We chanced upon Property Lim Brothers
(“PLB”) through their series of home presentations shown via the social media. Each video is captivating, educational and enjoyable.
Naturally, we wanted to be part of their success stories. We engaged PLB to sell our property and that’s the best choice ever. We were assigned to their two senior team members, Alan and Christina, to assist us on the whole sale process. We were guided closely from decluttering, storage, to staging and filming. They advised us on every sale process/activities/ timeline so that we could keep pace.
We were blessed with two very pleasant and enthusiastic presenters, Shaun and Jesley, not forgetting Jollene for her skilful video filming. The whole videography team was impeccable when we saw the end result.
PLB handled the whole process professionally and seamlessly. We were glad that our place gained huge exposure even during the Covid period when lots of restrictions were imposed. The results were amazing, the video garnered hundreds thousands of views within the marketing period. PLB would qualify every prospect’s queries and only brought the serious buyers to view our place. The team would always update us on the feedback from the prospective buyers whether it’s positive or negative. We were not just selling a house, we were selling a place where we had many treasured memories. We as seller definitely gravitate towards prospective buyers with positive vibes about our property. PLB definitely understood this element of the sale process and we were glad that the team was able to translate the intangibles to the prospective buyers. We eventually found a family who appreciates the location, size and amenities around, all within the 60 days under strict Covid-19 restricted measures…
The journey continued when we sourced for a new home. We eventually spotted our current residence not via PLB's listing, however, that was where we saw the highest level of professionalism and ethics exhibited. This is a precious gem that is not easy to find in this competitive industry. PLB did not leave us even though the new property was not in their listing. Christina guided us very specifically on the timing process between our sales and the new property purchase. She negotiated tirelessly with the seller's agent, banks and lawyers on the best possible price/interest rates/fees. resulting in huge savings on our end.
Understandably, it is normal for people to look for the lowest possible transactional cost. PLB did not market themselves as the cheapest kid on the block, indeed they are not but engaging PLB is worth every penny. They don’t just have a few people working on your sales or purchase, they have the whole team of professionals exercising their expertise to realise your dreams. The true cost is never the transactional cost.
To us, PLB is definitely a team with integrity whom one can always count on for one's property decisions.
Thank you Christina and Alan for being the wise friends / experts that we can count on through our property journey. Thank you PLB for treating us as friends since and always remember us in festive seasons with beautiful gifts.