PropertyLimBrothers’s Secret To Selling A Home | #ThePLBVlog Ep 11

In this Vlog, this is a Day where we do 3 shoots on the entire day, filming our #HowWeSold series, talking about the journey of selling 3 particular properties for our clients and how we go about to solve and create the marketing campaign by identifying the plus points and minus points of each property, […]
BTS of our 1st Home Tour Post-CB | Why We (Secretly) Think PLB is THE Best | PLB Vlog Ep 17

BTS of our 1st Home Tour Post CB at a RARE Triplex Penthouse… and Why We (Secretly) Think PLB Is The Best! 😉 #PLBVlog Ep17 • Welcome back with our 1st vlog after the circuit breaker! Our last episode was the circuit breaker special with Melvin’s baby boy Ethan, and today we are starting with […]