Micro Trends Now in Singapore Property Market | NOTG Ep 11

What’s the type of units in demand now that we’re nearing towards the end of 2021? Melvin is back with our Nuggets on the Go series, and here, we share a little more on how we feel balance units will perform, PSF trend for 2022 and beyond. But it’s more than meets the eye. Let’s […]

Is 2021 the Consolidation Phase for Core Central Region Properties? | NOTG Ep5

In today’s episode, PropertyLimBrothers co-founder and CEO Melvin will be sharing more about the Core Central Region (or CCR for short) market – what is the price trend movement across the different districts for new launches as well as the resale market. Come watch to find out more with Melvin about investment horizons and in-depth […]

What’s Happening to the Landed Property Market in 2021?! | NOTG S2 Ep2

Landed property is the current 2021 blue chip, and prices are on the rise. In this episode, Melvin shares how cluster houses fits in between the condos and landed house niche. PropertyLimBrothers have been noticing increased activity for $2-$2.5 mil cluster houses. The entry price for freehold inter-terraces have significantly increased to the $3 mil […]