3 Trends for New Launch properties in 2023 | NOTG S3 EP 3

2023 is predicted to be the year of new launches, in a bid for developers to clear their GLS land. Today on Nuggets on the Go, Melvin Lim from PropertyLimBrothers shares some key metrics to understand the variety of New Launch projects, and how potential owners and investors can navigate this wave. Learn to identify […]
‘@NotgMelvinLim Will New Launches in 2023 oversaturate Singapore’s Property Market and impact prices?

‘@NotgMelvinLim Will we be able to afford a Private Property in Singapore ANYMORE?

‘@NotgMelvinLim Is Singapore Facing a Hong Kong-like Housing Crisis?

To Rent or Own? Addressing Singapore’s soaring rental rates! | NOTG by PropertyLimBrothers | Melvin

As we have noticed, rental rates have been sky high lately. The quantum leap for rental rates are most significant in recent years. Why? Covid was one of the core derivative factors that drove rental demand up. Home construction delays, renovations and work-from-home practices are just some of the aspects that lead to extended rental […]
Hard vs Soft Assets in Singapore and how to reap their benefits? | Melvin Lim | NOTG S3 Ep10

Melvin Lim from PropertyLimBrothers shares our newest comparison charts fresh out of the oven, breaking condo unit sizes down to bite sizes nuggets of information, on this episode of NOTG regarding housing supply. Prices have been increasing and our government has decided to tackle it by increasing the supply of new flats, what will happen […]
NEWEST ABSD cooling measures – The complete breakdown! | Melvin Lim | NOTG

The new reality of up to 60% ABSD released on 27th April 2023 had many wondering what this will mean for the future of Singapore’s real estate market. Melvin Lim from PropertyLimBrothers dabbles deep into the likely causes for property price acceleration, and the possible concerns our policy makers had that led to the introduction […]
Cracking the Condo Code: The First 5 Steps to Assess a Singapore Condo’s Investment Potential

Venturing into the private property market may be an unknown territory for most first-timers. How can you be prepared to take on analysing property by yourself? On this episode of Nuggets On The Go, Melvin Lim from PropertyLimBrothers shares valuable insights gathered throughout 17 years of industry experience and through PLB’s Research arm. Learn how […]
Cracking the Condo Code 3: Should you be comparing Quantum or PSF prices when buying a condo?

Why is it that we’re focusing more on quantum over PSF nowadays? Melvin Lim recaps on the previous parts and offer an illustration of erosion, before moving into the topic for Part 3, quantum versus PSF methodology. Watch this video for nuggets of digestible and understandable concepts.
George Goh on Building his Business empire, Education System, Advice for Young People| NOTG S3 Ep23

We invited presidential hopeful, George Goh, a familiar face in the media these days, to our Nuggets On The Go studio for a chat! Melvin Lim from PropertyLimBrothers speaks with George Goh about work, life and family in this exclusive 1-to-1 session. He shares how he started his business, with a humble beginnings and on […]