Kimberly Chia, PropertyLimBrothers and BR Law | Buy New Launch or Resale Condo in Singapore?

The most common debate for Singaporeans investors: New Launch or Resale?  @noontalkmedia Kimberley Chia brings Melvin Lim from PropertyLimBrothers and Cannis Seng from BR Law once again  Melvin and Adrian Lim from PropertyLimBrothers share the core factors to consider via a unique MOAT Analysis framework and even loan processes, while Cannis Seng from BR Law shares […]

Kimberly Chia, PropertyLimBrothers and BR Law | PropertyLimCannis Show Ep 1 – BTO vs Resale

@noontalkmedia‘s Kimberly Chia brings Melvin Lim from PropertyLimBrothers and Cannis Seng from BR Law together, to talk about property. The opener — BTO vs Resale.  Currently deciding between new launch or resale condo as your first property? You gotta watch this!  Melvin and Adrian Lim from PropertyLimBrothers share the core factors you’ll have to consider […]